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How long have you been in business?Wall Chiropractic was founded in 1998. So we have been in business for approximately 25 years.
Where are you located?We are located at #8, 41 Chelsea St. NW Calgary, AB in the Cambrian Professional Centre.
What are your hours?Monday & Wednesday: 8:00am to 2:00pm Tuesday & Thursday: 12:00pm to 6:00pm Friday: 8:00am to 1:00pm **by appointment only** To make an appointment, you can call: (403) 277-5381
What is the best part about your job?At Wall Chiropractic, we love hearing back from our clients. The power of the chiropractic adjustment creates miracles in the lives of our patients every day. Witnessing these miracles is the most rewarding experience in our profession.
What makes you different from your competitors?We believe that comprehensive health and wellness addresses spirit, soul and body. As such we seek to provide specific care for the whole person.
Does Wall Chiropractic deal with insurance companies, WCB or Alberta Blue Cross?e direct bill for those who have appropriate chiropractic coverage with Alberta Blue Cross, including Seniors. We also direct bill for Green Shield Canada, Sunlife, Manulife, Great West Life & Standard Life. Otherwise, patients pay our office directly and then submit their statement to their insurance company. Dr. Wall is an authorized WCB provider.
Can I make an appointment online?Unfortunately, we do not offer this feature, yet. Please call 403 277-5381 to schedule your next appointment with Wall Chiropractic.
What can I expect from my first visit?After being welcomed to our office, there are forms to be filled out (they can also be downloaded from our website). Then Dr. Wall will ask several questions about your concerns to identify the problem accurately and understand your health goals. He will perform an exam which may identify problem areas of your nervous system. If necessary, he may requisition an x-ray. An adjustment may accompany the first visit. Typically allow 45 minutes to one hour for your first visit.
What can I expect from my second and subsequent visits?During the second visit Dr. Wall will explain the details of your problem, that is, the what, how and why. He will discuss how long it will take to resolve the underlying problem and a treatment plan to get there. At this point some exercises and/or stretches will be assigned to facilitate your adjustments and augment the healing process. Allow 20 minutes for your second visit. Your third and subsequent visits will generally take 10 minutes.
Does a chiropractic adjustment hurt?Most people who experience their first adjustment report an immediate relief of symptoms. A few experience no change for a few adjustments, and only a few experience some tenderness after a treatment. Dr. Wall utilizes several techniques which are very gentle in their application.
Which chiropractic techniques does Dr. Wall use?Dr. Wall uses the Activator Methods leg check protocols for assessing spinal misalignment. He utilizes Thompson technique, Activator and Arthrostim instruments, Diversified and Gonstead.
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